Those were some of Rhode's last words to me. The last time he would pronounce his love. The last time I would see his face.
It was the first time in 592 years I could take a breath. Lay in the sun. Taste. Rhode sacrificed himself so I, Lenah Beaudonte, could be human again. So I could stop the blood lust.
I never expected to fall in love with someone else that wasn't Rhode. But Justin was... daring. Exciting. More beautiful than I could dream. I never expected to be sixteen again... then again, I never expected my past to come back and haunt me...
Published by Macmillan Children's Books
I'm a fan of Vampire books and this, to me, is a slightly different interpretation. We meet Lenah as she is just turned back to human and her darling Rhode is dieing. She isn't a normal Heroine either which is refreshing. She was a Queen of a coven of male vampires until she agreed to go underground for many years.
I enjoyed Lenah's flashbacks into her life before and seeing, from her point of view how she has changed and matured. I enjoyed seeing her learn how to live in the 21st century and how she copes when her coven want her back.
Now for the bad. This book was basically drowning in love interests. 400pages isn't quite enough, in my view, to fit 4+ of them and to be honest it wasn't really nessesary. She gets over Rhode very quickly, she seemed almost to forget he gave her life for her. Also this book is full of very Stereotypical people, i mean the blonde girlfriend who is typically the Bitch? Pah-leese.
I did think this story highlighted how important it is to live yourlife the way you want to and not forgetting who you are in the mean time.
Talia x
Sorry for the short review, got alot to fit in, in an hour ;)
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