Seventeen-year-old Riley, the only daughter of legendary Demon Trapper, Paul Blackthorne, has always dreamed of following in her father's footsteps. The good news is, with human society seriously disrupted by economic upheaval and Lucifer increasing the number of demons in all major cities, Atlanta’s local Trappers’ Guild needs all the help they can get – even from a girl. When she’s not keeping up with her homework or trying to manage her growing crush on fellow apprentice, Simon, Riley’s out saving distressed citizens from foul-mouthed little devils – Grade One Hellspawn only, of course, per the strict rules of the Guild. Life’s about as normal as can be for the average demon-trapping teen.
But then a Grade Five Geo-Fiend crashes Riley’s routine assignment at a library, jeopardizing her life and her chosen livelihood. And, as if that wasn’t bad enough, sudden tragedy strikes the Trappers’ Guild, spinning Riley down a more dangerous path than she ever could have imagined. As her whole world crashes down around her, who can Riley trust with her heart – and her life.
Published by Macmillan Childrens Books.
Finally, finally, finally. A book about Demons! I love the idea of demons, no idea why or how just do.
Riley is a protangonist that i enjoyed to learn and read about. She is witty, not self centered and doesnt give an asshat about what the men in the guild think of her. It is very quickly into the series that she loses her Dad. Before the end of the first book she loses him again and at the end of the second book she finally gets him back but hey, hell may have other idea's.
Riley's love life is atrostious at best and absymal at worst. The reader thinks she may have found love twice in the first two books, Simon and Ori are lovely but they can change and quickly, shame to be honest. She has one constant hearteache and she doesn't give him any slack, ever.
Oliver's writing technique is very good and she portrays accents quite effectively especially Angus's, I should know! :)
The Demon's were a joy to read about and learn, how they are all different grades of strength. I loved how one demon gets attached to Riley and helps her out. To be honest it is quite cute!
I have a few minor quips, If petrol is so expenive how can Riley drive around easily yet not pay her bills? And why are there so many demons roaming the earth to begin with?
Jana Oliver is a fantastic writer and it really a nice person to talk to. I have pre-ordered Forgiven ready for my March reading and can't believe there is only one more book after Forgiven!
Talia x
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