In the ruins of a place once known as North America lies the nation of Panem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. The Capitol is harsh and cruel and keeps the districts in line by forcing them all to send one boy and one girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen to participate in the annual Hunger Games, a fight to the death on live TV.
Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives alone with her mother and younger sister, regards it as a death sentence when she steps forward to take her sister's place in the Games. But Katniss has been close to dead before—and survival, for her, is second nature. Without really meaning to, she becomes a contender. But if she is to win, she will have to start making choices that will weigh survival against humanity and life against love.
Published by: Scholastic
I love a good dystopian series, and this sets the bar very,very high.
I love the concepts in this series and the constant excitement doesn't fail to impress either. the First book is where we get the concept and the second, and third is the struggle for survival that is continued from the decisions made. Katniss is a very strong and likable lead for the series and Peeta i have to say is adorable, but i wasn't always convinced by him, but meh, I can have my fan-girl moments, no?
Collins exhibits an amazing concept that in this day and age is enough to make even the toughest of politicians know that this shoul dnever happen. taking 24 tennagers from 12 districts for a battle to the death? THAT SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED. But yet it has everyone at the edge of their seats as they read and weep with the emotions and trials Katniss and Peeta have to overcome.
Book One was my all time favourite odf the series so much so Book Two couldn't compare. Book Three had me in tears along with Katniss as everything was going wrong, until it went right, but no spoilers here!
I am saddened to see a twilight-like hype about the up-and-coming movies for the series, but i have my doubts. If it is anything like the twilight adaptions i may have to eat the books as it will wreck anything i felt for the series, the fact that Collins let that happen.
Overall this series will have you hooked from the first page, and leave you with nightmares at the thought if that was a reality.
Talia x
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Demon Trappers Series By Jana Oliver

Seventeen-year-old Riley, the only daughter of legendary Demon Trapper, Paul Blackthorne, has always dreamed of following in her father's footsteps. The good news is, with human society seriously disrupted by economic upheaval and Lucifer increasing the number of demons in all major cities, Atlanta’s local Trappers’ Guild needs all the help they can get – even from a girl. When she’s not keeping up with her homework or trying to manage her growing crush on fellow apprentice, Simon, Riley’s out saving distressed citizens from foul-mouthed little devils – Grade One Hellspawn only, of course, per the strict rules of the Guild. Life’s about as normal as can be for the average demon-trapping teen.
But then a Grade Five Geo-Fiend crashes Riley’s routine assignment at a library, jeopardizing her life and her chosen livelihood. And, as if that wasn’t bad enough, sudden tragedy strikes the Trappers’ Guild, spinning Riley down a more dangerous path than she ever could have imagined. As her whole world crashes down around her, who can Riley trust with her heart – and her life.
Published by Macmillan Childrens Books.
Finally, finally, finally. A book about Demons! I love the idea of demons, no idea why or how just do.
Riley is a protangonist that i enjoyed to learn and read about. She is witty, not self centered and doesnt give an asshat about what the men in the guild think of her. It is very quickly into the series that she loses her Dad. Before the end of the first book she loses him again and at the end of the second book she finally gets him back but hey, hell may have other idea's.
Riley's love life is atrostious at best and absymal at worst. The reader thinks she may have found love twice in the first two books, Simon and Ori are lovely but they can change and quickly, shame to be honest. She has one constant hearteache and she doesn't give him any slack, ever.
Oliver's writing technique is very good and she portrays accents quite effectively especially Angus's, I should know! :)
The Demon's were a joy to read about and learn, how they are all different grades of strength. I loved how one demon gets attached to Riley and helps her out. To be honest it is quite cute!
I have a few minor quips, If petrol is so expenive how can Riley drive around easily yet not pay her bills? And why are there so many demons roaming the earth to begin with?
Jana Oliver is a fantastic writer and it really a nice person to talk to. I have pre-ordered Forgiven ready for my March reading and can't believe there is only one more book after Forgiven!
Talia x
Friday, 10 February 2012
The Darkest Powers Trilogy by Kelley Armstrong

At first, Lyle House seems a pretty okay place, except for Chloe’s small problem of fearing she might be facing a lifetime of mental illness. But as she gradually gets to know the other kids at the home–charming Simon and his ominous, unsmiling brother Derek, obnoxious Tori, and Rae, who has a “thing” for fire–Chloe begins to realize that there is something that binds them all together, and it isn’t your usual “problem kid” behaviour. And together they discover that Lyle House is not your usual group home either…
Published by Atom
FINALLY! A book with a female necromancer lead, for YA! I broke my very small bank (sigh) buying this series and boy, am i glad i did. Chloe isn't 16 or 17, yet she has a good awareness of herself and others that many protagonists don't have that make them quickly disliked by a reader. If there was a quip it was she was a constant victim till about halfway through book 2.
There is a love triangle, but that is the way of books nowadays Chloe/Derek/Simon could be compared to Bella/Edward/Jacob and Riley/Simon/Beck quite easily. Although atleast there is no vampires in this book, as that genre is getting congested with cheap knockoffs.
I enjoyed particularly the transition between teenager and wolf for Derek and how Chloe kept him sane and it was nice to see their relationship bloom i was also disheartened at the controlling side of Derek and i can see problems in that future.
Chloe and Tori really come into their own during the series and the reader can see Tori wasn't just put in to be the antagonist! Thank god! Chloe grows into her powers and it is nice to see how she copes and learns. Although it was sad to see Armstrong struggled to decide what part Chloe's Aunt played in this, is she dead, ghost, dead again?
Overall this series is a good read and is thourghly enjoyable and is a definate top read of mine that sits, quite comfortably on my - overly stuffed - bookshelf.
Talia x
Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel

Those were some of Rhode's last words to me. The last time he would pronounce his love. The last time I would see his face.
It was the first time in 592 years I could take a breath. Lay in the sun. Taste. Rhode sacrificed himself so I, Lenah Beaudonte, could be human again. So I could stop the blood lust.
I never expected to fall in love with someone else that wasn't Rhode. But Justin was... daring. Exciting. More beautiful than I could dream. I never expected to be sixteen again... then again, I never expected my past to come back and haunt me...
Published by Macmillan Children's Books
I'm a fan of Vampire books and this, to me, is a slightly different interpretation. We meet Lenah as she is just turned back to human and her darling Rhode is dieing. She isn't a normal Heroine either which is refreshing. She was a Queen of a coven of male vampires until she agreed to go underground for many years.
I enjoyed Lenah's flashbacks into her life before and seeing, from her point of view how she has changed and matured. I enjoyed seeing her learn how to live in the 21st century and how she copes when her coven want her back.
Now for the bad. This book was basically drowning in love interests. 400pages isn't quite enough, in my view, to fit 4+ of them and to be honest it wasn't really nessesary. She gets over Rhode very quickly, she seemed almost to forget he gave her life for her. Also this book is full of very Stereotypical people, i mean the blonde girlfriend who is typically the Bitch? Pah-leese.
I did think this story highlighted how important it is to live yourlife the way you want to and not forgetting who you are in the mean time.
Talia x
Sorry for the short review, got alot to fit in, in an hour ;)
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